Jizo  Statue Palms Together in Namaste|10 in.| wood natural color | close up with flowers
 Jizo  Statue Palms Together in Namaste|10 in.| handcarved wood natural color | lotus base
 Jizo Statue Palms Together in Namaste |10 in.| wood natural color |3/4 view
Jizo Statue Palms Together in Namaste|10 in.| wood natural color w/variation | lotus base| back view
Jizo Statue Palms Together in Namaste|side view |10 in.| wood natural color | lotus base

Jizo Gassho Statue, handcarved wood, 9 inches

Regular price $155.00
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Size: 23 1/2 cm/ 9 1/4 inches.

Material: He is carved from Bentiwas, a sustainably harvested wood. We have left him unsanded to retain the feeling of the carver working on him.

This Jizo hold his hands palm to palm at heart center. "Gassho" is a symbol of unity, appreciation, reverence, humility and prayer.