Sacred Statues for Meditation, Gardens & Interiors

Garden of Buddhas has been creating, buying and selling Buddhist statues and other Sacred Art for more than 30 years.

The seed for Garden of Buddhas was planted when I was a child, in the form of the most revered object in my Grandmother's elegant home, a Ming Dynasty Quan Yin. We  always referred to her as 'The Buddha' and only later did I realize that she was Quan Yin, the female form of the Buddha of Compassion. Little did I know then that she was going to take me on an amazing journey that continues to today.

In the 80's, after my first 10 day meditation retreat, I began my travels in Southeast Asia. I looked everywhere for a Buddhist image that had my Grandmother's Quan YIn's qualities of calm dignity and ease, as well as her compassionate expression and beautiful features. At that time there were few Buddhist statues for sale and the exquisite ones, that shopkeepers pulled out from beneath their counters, required a small family fortune to purchase.

From that experience sprouted the desire to find, commission, create beautiful Buddhist images and to make them available to as many people as possible for affordable prices. The ideas for what is now GARDEN OF BUDDHAS began to grow.

I took drawings and ideas to exceptional carvers in Asia who not only create fine images, they also have the power to imbue the statues with an energy that can be transmitted to other people, even in the cast form. We began immediately by carving the Seated Quan Yin on a Double Lotus, the Burmese Buddha Mandalay style and later many other images.

The focus of our business is reproductions of the best Buddha statues and Quan Yin statues made in USA in a small workshop. They are made from metals or marble dust bonded with a minimum of resin in the USA and the workshop provides fair wages and environmentally safe working conditions. We make it possible for you to buy the best Buddhist statues we can offer, on line.

We have more statues than are on our web site. If you are interested in any statues you do not see on this web site, please contact us.

May All Beings Be Happy,

Damcho Tsoma and All of the Garden of Buddhas Team


