For almost 20 years we have created, cast, bought and sold Buddhist and Hindu images under the name "SAMMA-AJIVA" Buddhas. I love the name which means "BENEFICIAL LIVELIHOOD" because it is a reminder of a step on the Buddhist "8 FOLD PATH", ways of being that help us maintain a quiet mind so we can see clearly the truth of things as they are. In line with another basic Buddhist teaching "THINGS CHANGE", "Garden of Dreams" who was my partner in sales and distribution all these years has retired. I am changing the web site, slowly adding back in the most inspiring pieces and looking for new ones. You can find any of our cast pieces and many of the carved ones on Pinterest "Garden of Buddhas" and write to me if you would like one not shown yet on this web site. Our name is changing so that it will be more easy to remember and because it brings to my mind a beautiful picture of a garden filled with Spiritual Images and thriving plants. I hope you watch us grow and transform over the next 20 years. May All Beings Be Happy!
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